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Business Development Manager
Guangdong, CN
Job Openings
Business Development Manager
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Personal Details
Full Name
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Email Address
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Phone Number
A phone number is required
Work History
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Experience Summary
Experience Summary is required
Cover Letter
A cover letter is required
Do you have current working rights in China?
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Are you a Physiotherapist or Strength and Conditioning Coach?
Physical Therapist
Strength and Conditioning Coach
A response is required
Do you have experience working in a clinical or high-performance setting and are a physiotherapist, athletic trainer or strength and conditioning coach (or similar role?)
A response is required
How confident are you in your ability to sell and pitch to new prospects?
Very confident - I have extensive experience and perform well in sales and pitching scenarios
Confident - I have experience and am comfortable in these situations but still need to improve in some areas
Somewhat confident - I have limited experience but am willing to learn
Not confident - I have little to no experience in sales or pitching to new prospects
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